

For more convenience for both parties, we would like to ask you to pause a moment and please have time to take a look at our privacy policies governing our affiliate marketing program: Call us or email us if there are items which you do not understand. We would like all our affiliates to be well-versed about these policies before the contract is put into finality

1. Any participant with our affiliate marketing business will be treated as a core member of our business.

2. All such participants have information in two categories.

One is general category where information is subject to be shared by the target market group or any third party regarding the involvement of more business activities.

Another is the core and potential strategic business information, which may be made available to the affiliate market participants but in no way this information could be treated as information to share with any other person without proper concern of the authority.

3. As affiliate marketing campaign participants, you are the core key persons of such business, personal and contact information of each participant are subject to share with other participants only after appropriate authorization from the particular participant.

4. The company has the right to increase, decrease or halt the payment process provided sufficient reasons and explanations are made known to the affiliate concerned.

5. Any participant could leave their affiliation and attachment as well as every types of involvement with the company, but he/she has to notify the company with proper notification form 15 days before he/she leaves the company.

6. Participants are not allowed to share any kind of financial or strategic information to any third party without the concern of proper authority.

7. Participants have the right to charge the company if they found leak in any of their personal or secret information.

8. The company reserves the right to dismiss the participant’s affiliation when the concern party whose actions and activities were found out to be fraudulent upon substantial presentation of evidences coursed through proper investigation procedures. Any act that could destroy the reputation of the company will lead to the dismissal of the affiliation of any member.

9. Moreover, affiliates who have been found out to be inactive or idle for 6 consecutive months will be subject to the termination of their account with NetHerbal.com

This privacy policy is developed in order to confirm a smooth operation through an interactive communication among parties. Any type of suggestion and remarks from any parties are always to be considered as subjects for discussion and have to reach a common ground before any such issues are implemented.

Became an Affiliate

We know for a fact that all these speak of non-business qualifications because we know that to be successful in the affiliate marketing program does not need a degree at all. If you have all those that are mentioned above, you partnering with us is an ultimate plus. Let those entire minimum requirements be your capital and let NetHerbal.com work for the rest to maximize what you can offer.

You have to go with our regular standard registration process. In somewhere you will be asked o provide required credentials to verify your identity. You may select your preferred money withdrawal method during the withdrawal process. We have several money withdrawal methods from which you may choose the one you feel more comfortable with. Your call, your choice! >>> Read More