
Earn Commission

Affiliate marketing is our main business and we invite you to become one. Through these years, we have managed some different and effective ways which can help our affiliate and partners to maximize their earning in all possible way. Being our affiliate and partner you could earn and see the figure that you have never imagined in your life. Like many other NetHerbal’s affiliate and partners you too can also be one of the many satisfied clients anytime and anywhere for just over some clicks.

We know, the first thing that would come into your mind when you reach this page is:

“How do I earn through this program?”

Earning through our affiliate marketing program is easy. Like most business now who embraced the internet as their portal for advertising and marketing, you too can have your own website where you can showcase and let the people know that you have popular products to sell. But, unlike any other website, we can armor your portal with the right tools to maximize traffic and therefore maximize your earnings. We will equip you with the right tools in online marketing, unlimited text banners and promotions as well as the proper training on how to be abreast with all the upcoming and upgrades of the online marketing world.

Here is how you can earn….

All you need to do is to drive traffic to your website. You can do this using our tools that we will be integrating in your website. When you get people visiting you website, you get to showcase what you can offer them. Your website visitors can order or purchase the products from your website. You don’t have to worry about processing or shipping the orders because we do it all for you. You will be rewarded with 50% commission pay based on the sales that you were able to make through your website.

That’s not all, you too can earn from referrals that you were able to make. Because many would be amazed of the products we offer, many will be coming through you and ask you how they can retails “your” products. This is where you can get them to register in your website as your down lines. Again, you will be rewarded with 50% commission. Isn’t that great? Sign up that button now and start turning the wheel of your fortune.

Monthly, we reward our clients and affiliates with great discounts schemes. This is a sure way to drive more traffic to your website. Literally, driving dollars to your account! Sign up now.

Became an Affiliate

We know for a fact that all these speak of non-business qualifications because we know that to be successful in the affiliate marketing program does not need a degree at all. If you have all those that are mentioned above, you partnering with us is an ultimate plus. Let those entire minimum requirements be your capital and let NetHerbal.com work for the rest to maximize what you can offer.

You have to go with our regular standard registration process. In somewhere you will be asked o provide required credentials to verify your identity. You may select your preferred money withdrawal method during the withdrawal process. We have several money withdrawal methods from which you may choose the one you feel more comfortable with. Your call, your choice! >>> Read More